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DFM 6.1

Designed for pipes with an inside diameter of 12.5 mm (0.5 in) or larger, this flowmeter is well-suited for accurately measuring the flow of fluids containing challenging elements like hard substances or suspended solids. Applications include wastewater, water sludge, sludge, chemicals, and more.


Introducing the DFM6.1 flowmeter, a groundbreaking clamp-on non-contact solution engineered to revolutionize fluid flow measurement within pipes. Historically, measuring flow in pipes has posed challenges, especially with fluids containing solid substances such as wastewater, water sludge, chemicals, and suspended solids. Using Doppler technology results in simplifying this complex process and proving highly effective for handling these challenging substances.

Tailored for pipes with an inner diameter of 12.5 mm (0.5 inches) or larger, this ultrasonic flowmeter securely attaches to pipes, continuously delivering precise flow measurements in real time—an absolute game-changer in fluid flow analysis.

Rest easy knowing this product comes with a one-year warranty and after-sales support from Iran Madar Company.