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FlowPulse Handheld

The FlowPulse handheld portable flowmeter is a reliable flowmeter for use in industry and wide applications.

The FlowPulse Handheld Controller Portable Pipe Flow Monitoring device, developed by Pulsar Measurement Company, is a compact and portable tool designed for convenient on-site flow monitoring. It offers a range of features and a well-designed structure to ensure accurate and reliable measurements. The key features of the FlowPulse Handheld Controller include:

  • Portable Design: The device is small and lightweight, making it easy to carry and use in various locations. Its handheld design provides flexibility and maneuverability during operation.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The device is equipped with a simple user interface, typically consisting of a display screen and intuitive controls. This interface allows users to easily view input data, navigate through menus, and monitor real-time flow measurements.
  • Flow Monitoring Capability: The FlowPulse Handheld Controller is specifically designed for monitoring flow in pipes. It enables users to measure and monitor flow rates in various pipe sizes and materials, including rigid plastic, stainless steel, mild steel, and cast iron.
  • Data Logging and Analysis: The device often includes data logging capabilities, allowing users to store and retrieve flow data. This feature enables users to review historical information for performance evaluation and troubleshooting purposes.
  • Multi-Purpose Application: The FlowPulse Handheld Controller can be used in various industries and applications, such as water and wastewater management, industrial processes, HVAC systems, and oil and gas pipelines.
  • Integration with FlowPulse Sensors: The handheld controller is typically compatible with FlowPulse sensors, which are specifically designed for flow monitoring. This integration ensures seamless communication and accurate measurements between the controller and the sensors.

This device comes with a one year warranty and after-sales support from Iran Madar Company.