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Non-contact year speed measurement suitable for open channels

تصویر سنسور فلومتر میکروفلو

MicroFlow provides a non-contact velocity measurement solution suitable for open channels. You can use MicroFlow as a standalone device for simple velocity measurements or pair it with a Decibel Ultrasonic Transducer to have a complete area velocity system.

Area velocity calculations using MicroFlow offer a cost-effective flow measurement solution compared to installing a primary measurement device (PMD). Additionally, hydraulic constraints may sometimes prevent the installation of a PMD inside the channel, making it an inappropriate choice. In such cases, MicroFlow provides a suitable solution.

Point velocity measurement using MicroFlow is an interesting and cost-effective idea for calculating flow compared to PMD devices. Moreover, hydraulic constraints often limit the installation of PMDs inside channels, making them unsuitable. In these situations, MicroFlow is a proper solution for measuring and estimating flow rates.