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Radar Flowmeter

Suitable for measuring open channel and partially full pipes flow

Using a radar flowmeter to measure open channel and partially full pipe​

The Radar Flowmeter stands out as a robust solution for measuring flow in partially filled pipes and open channels, utilizing radar waves to precisely quantify fluid flow rates.

These flowmeters emit radar waves, manifesting as electromagnetic pulses directed to the fluid’s surface, subsequently capturing the reflection signal. By scrutinizing the return time of radar waves, accurate measurements of volume and flow velocity are achieved.

Key Advantages and Features of Radar Flowmeters:

  • High Accuracy: Achieves precision in measuring fluid flow, even under variable conditions such as temperature, pressure, and density.
  • Versatility: Capable of measuring the flow of diverse fluids, including contaminated liquids, food substances, and hazardous fluids.
  • Consistent Performance: Remains unaffected by changes in the physical properties of the fluid, such as variations in density and viscosity.
  • Non-Contact Measurement: Employs a contactless approach for flow measurement, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Robust Against Environmental Factors: Resistant to temperature and pressure fluctuations, ensuring reliability in dynamic operational environments.
  • High-Speed Flow Measurement: Ability to accurately measure high-velocity flows, catering to diverse industrial applications.

Given these standout features, radar flowmeters find widespread application in industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, water and sewage management, mining, irrigation, and environmental monitoring.

However, it’s essential to note that the installation and operation costs of a radar flowmeter may exceed those of some alternative flowmeters. Hence, a careful consideration of specific application requirements and conditions is crucial for making an informed choice.

Radar flowmeters can be effectively utilized in the following two general categories:

  • Open Channel
  • Partially Filled Pipes